科学周 | “心手合一”探索精彩的科学世界吧 | Welcome to our Science Week
麻省理工学院的校训“Mens et Manus”,意思是“心手合一”。麻省理工学院的解释是只有将思想和行动相结合,我们才能解决当前和未来的问题。只有将理论(脑)应用于实践(手),我们才能够做出真正的改变并发挥真正的作用。
麻省理工学院的理念与我们不谋而合,这也是为什么我们坚持在诺德安达的学校开展STEAM 学科(科学、技术、工程、艺术和数学)的教学,并与麻省理工学院建立独特合作关系的原因。
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Mens et Manus is Latin for the simple phrase “mind and hand.” This is MIT’s way of saying that it is only through the combination of thought and practical action that we will be able to solve current and future problems. It is only through the application (hand) of theory (mind) that we will be able to make real change and make a real difference.
This is why Nord Anglia Education found MIT so fascinating, and why we took the time to create such a unique collaboration with a leader in STEAM subjects (science, technology, engineering, arts and maths).
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It's time for our Science Week!
Starting from this Monday, the campus is buzzing with science activity during the daily lunch break. Our science teachers carefully designed various challenges for the students, and the children had an opportunity to better understand the daily knowledge in the challenging activities and activate their interest in learning science in future.
Primary Activities within the science week
Activities for students from Grade 1-4
周一 Monday | 魔方争霸 Rubik’s cube competition |
周二 Tuesday | 植物分类挑战 Plant classification challenge |
周三 Wednesday | 稳定结构挑战 Stable structure challenge |
周四 Thursday | 机器人总动员 Micro- bit |
周五 Friday | 科学问答挑战 Science Q & A challenge |
周一至周五 Monday - Friday | 乐高机器人体验 Lego – Robot exhibition |
Activities for students from Grade 5-8
周一 Monday | 水过滤系统展示 Water filtration system showing |
周二 Tuesday | 科学大富翁游戏 Science Monopoly game |
周三 Wednesday | 现代科学知识寻宝游戏 Modern science knowledge scavenger hunt |
周四 Thursday | 魔方争霸 Rubik’s cube competition |
周五 Friday | 科学问答挑战 Science Q & A challenge |
周一至周五 Monday - Friday | 乐高机器人体验 Lego – Robot exhibition |
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At 12:20 this Thursday noon, we will also be launching a live webinar so parents can watch our science week and see what our students have engaged with and learned about.
Scan the QR Code to join the event
联系我们 Contact us
手机:魏老师-199 2473 6896
陆老师-199 2473 1922
吴老师-199 2473 6382